Getting Buy-In: Part Two
Getting buy-in is an indispensable “people” skill. All successful people know how to achieve this. Below is a model that distinguishes four essential steps in the process of arriving at buy-in with people.
Here’s a process model for addressing the four steps in getting buy-in by focusing on Who you are talking to, What they want and need, How they can get what they want and need, and the Follow-up steps to ensure they get it.
The Buy-In “Process”
- Realize that people “buy” you first before they are even interested in what a “solution” may be from you to their challenge. So, the process starts with you being likable and building trust. You start by focusing on the other person. Show care for the person. Treat them with respect and dignity. Seek to understand Who they are, their style, motivators, and interests, for example. Understand and honor people by knowing that all people want to be accepted and appreciated for who they are. Serve people by showing care for who they are and the challenges they may be facing.
- Seek to understand what a person or group wants and needs. What is of interest or importance to a person? Ask questions and listen with empathy and concern. Clearly identify what people want and need. Understand how you might help people address a challenge or issue. Reach understanding by being curious. Ask questions that explore needs and wants and the gap between the current status and their desire for a better situation.
- Explore solutions to their challenge. Ask people for their suggested solution. Explore what might work. Aim for agreement on How best to handle a challenge. Together, collaboratively, co-create a solution and proceed to the next step. Don’t tell people what to do if you can ask them what to do (their solution) and together agree.
- Ask for what the next step should be. Gain agreement on action to take together. Follow up to promises you and they have made. Stay in touch and focus on the specifics of the actions and results. Do what you promise. Keep your word. Reinforce their decision. Ideally, they decide to act because they see the value.
In summary, understand Who they are, What they need and want, How you will proceed toward a solution, and Ask for and follow-up on all promises. This is the process to use in getting buy-in.